How to Make a Video Lesson?

Hi All,

I have just finished transcribing the entire discussion / speech from a documentary, in order to better understand it and pick up the vocabulary from it. Specifically this one: 马骏:妙解三十六计 文明之旅 20150525 【720P】 - YouTube

I am not sure whether it could be shared or not in the public library. I assumed it could, as it’s just the text transcribed from the video., but again, not too sure. I’ve only seen one or two video lessons before on LingQ, both have a video from YouTube and a text file that, I assume, someone transcribed from the video.

Also, when I investigate, it seems that “a video lesson” is a normal lesson that simply has an additional video. Is this true or not? When I looked, it said I needed to have an audio file in order to share it in the public library.

Thanks :slight_smile: