How to learn 2 topics at one time? (not 2 languages)

So I’m not references 2 languages here, Im trying to learn marketing and spanish.

On top of work, I spend a few hours a day studying marketing (my career)

I try to do spanish at the same time but struggle with mental focus on both learning marketing and spanish

If i prioritise spanish, i excel in it but fall behind in marketing, and vice versa.

I absoloutly have the time, its more the mental focus i have for whichever is the 2nd subject

Any advice from anyone who has struggled with this specifically and found ways to make it a smoother process?

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你可以使用清单应用,比如番茄钟,应用商店有很多清单应用,尽可能的约束自己,一天内必须在规定时间内学完俩个主题的内容,不然清单没有完成,有种亏欠感,这样会好很多,我经常用清单应用约束自己,我在清单里添加了看书,学习英语,日语,以及看一些医学的科普视频的任务,学习语言是每天都要的,日语看俩篇小说,英语我是初学者,每天至少看一课十分钟的语法视频。看书则是一周看4天,还有一天看一个Dr berg的医学科普视频,因为他的视频基本十分钟左右,很容易可以做到。



Break your study time up into smaller chunks.

Instead of doing, say 4 hours of A then 4 hours of B, do 30 mins of A, take a small break, do 30 mins of B, take a small break, etc. As you get tired overall, take a longer break and then get back to it when you are refreshed.

Spacing your sessions out throughout the day/week can also make your learning more efficient.

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Most of the lessons I study in LingQ are videos from YouTube. The topics of the videos are interesting and compelling, which helps me keep learning a language without losing enthusiasm. The primary purpose of this activity (reading and listening) is language learning, the contents are the additional effects for me. So, it would be beneficial for you to spend content about marketing in LingQ.

However, the time spent on LingQ is for language learning, and focused study time is necessary to be skillful in some skill or job. So, I allocate exclusive study time for the subjects I am really interested in.

I recommend you allocate time slots for each task (marketing and language) and exploit the language learning time to get additional benefits.


Depending on how advanced your reading ability is in Spanish, you could always read some marketing materials in that language. I do this with French for subjects that interest me. A less ideal situation would be to use AI to convert more complex material into text that is easier for you to grasp in Spanish, but that might end up watering it down to the point that it’s no longer useful to you.

I completely understand having learning problems, I’ve had them myself for over 60 years, with both focusing on and remembering study materials. Sometimes I need to break a task up into smaller parts instead of trying to power my way through it all at once. I work on one subject for a bit, and then switch over to another one. As they say, a change is as good as a rest sometimes. That’s how I maintain 2-3 hours of language study per day, 7 days a week.

I’m retired now, so I spend my productive time learning languages. I read in French for 90 minutes a day on LingQ, and then spend a smaller amount of time here reading simple Spanish stories and articles. Then I continue working on Spanish on two other websites, doing a number of different types of exercises focusing on grammar, vocabulary, and basic sentence patterns. I’ve used those for a number of different languages in the past.

I’m subscribed to yet another site that focuses entirely on grammar, but I can only handle that in short sessions at a time, I much prefer reading in my target languages, but grammar still needs to be dealt with at certain points.

I hope that you are able to find a process that works for you!


I do my best to know English better!

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I always wanted to be that guy who just pastes a link to a research paper into a forum discussion without elaborating any further. Finally, my time has come!