How to import the contents from the same source URL with updated contents?

Dear all,

I encountered an issue when importing from the Logo news website (It’s children’s news and therefore excellent for language learning).
They have nice daily news programs, and have their past 7 days of program on their website.
However, they will override the old program with the new one, and thus they’ll have the same web urls.
When I tried to important a new program from, e.g. this Sunday (11/21/2021):

LingQ showed me my prior imported text from the last Sunday (11/14/2021):

And it would not allow me to import the new text, probably because the same source URL?
Is it possible to resolve this issue to allow me to import both texts without deleting the original one?
Thank you very much for your help!!


You should be able to import it twice, that shouldn’t matter. What happens when you try to import it again?