How to delete known words

Guys, I’ve just imported an ebook on my LingQ. The thing is, the ebook is for English, and unfortunately I posted it on my German page! Now I have known words in German that do not correspond with my knowledge reality. Does anybody know a way to fix that?? I am really frustated with that!

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You can’t delete Known words, but what you can do is to go through these words, select them and ignore them. That will remove them from Known words stats.

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Well, what a piece of sad news hahaha. Ok, I think I’m going to restart the language since I’ve started just about a few days ago… I will try to pay more attention to that. Thanks @zoran!

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I would like to know something about ‘known words’. I am learning Spanish and there are many words I understand and can say that I know the English word for the Spanish one, BUT should I only consider it known if I know the Spanish word for the English one?

Hi, @Jellylava! I don’t know if I understood your question pretty well. But personally, I consider known words as those where:

  1. I understand what the word means. That is, those where I am capable to see/listen in a sentence and understand the message;
  2. Those involving characters’ names, interjections, and so on, that don’t really are words in the language (ex.: John, Marie, ah!, oh…)
  3. Those that I don’t want to learn at the moment. This involves words that I would hardly use in a daily situation or words that are too difficult for me at the moment, considering my skill level in the language. So, as I would probably see those difficult words again, I prefer to highlight them when I have been more mastery in the language. Usually, this happens whit verbs and their conjugations.

Thank you, but do you consider it as known if you are asked the word in your own language and you can’t supply the correct word/spelling in the language you are wanting to learn?

It’s annoying and disappointing that you can’t remove unknown words and reset individual lessons, manually however I’ve also had the app do this automatically when I didn’t want it to, which resulted in me having to go back to that lesson to sort the known words from the LingQs all over again.

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Sorry my late answer @jellylava. Well, I never thought about it, I mean I don’t worry about if I will consider a word as a “known word” only if I know how to say it right away in my target language. Because I already passed through situations where I didn’t know how to say the word but I could understand inside a context, or when I read it somewhere. Naturally, you can say you know a word when you are able to translate it, but I don’t know if you can say the opposite. For example, right now I just don’t remember the word entrepreneur in Deutsch, but I know somehow that If I hear or read somewhere I would to able to identify. This sounds strange but is true hahaha. So, I know or not this word? I think it is more about a situation where you need to get more familiarised in a way that the word becomes natural in you. Sorry that I can’t answer you properly. Maybe if I watch more discussion about it I change my opinion, but by right now that is what comes to my mind.

Thank you for answering @BiaMidori. Your answer is probably more complete because you waited a while. I understand many more words to read and understand in my target language than I could write or say if I wanted to talk to someone. I think that now I have been using LingQ for a little longer and have listened to a couple of the podcasts I realize that each student has a different approach to learning and that is perfectly OK if we ultimately achieve our goal.
Just to change the topic slightly, do you speak Spanish as well as Portuguese? If so, maybe one day we will be able to speak to each other in Spanish.
Obrigado pela sua resposta e boa sorte com seus estudos de idiomas. (naturally I had to look that up. :slight_smile:

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Noo unfortunately not (but maybe someday, hehe). Because it is also a Latin language as Portuguese, I decided, for now, to look for a more different language, like German - I enjoy a challenge haha ¡Buena suerte con tus estudios también! (and certainly, I had to look that up too, haha) :blush::hibiscus:

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