How to delete a course from the playlist?

I misclicked and added this course “Who is she” in my playlist.
I’ve finishid it but i can’t delete it from the playlist.
How can i solve it?


Hello, Fael168!

I actually have the same issue and I’m going to follow this post. That is a great question as I have had a course stuck there and don’t see any way to remove it.

Thank you and have a great day, hopefully support comments soon.

Best regards,

I hope they answer this question because it’s bothering me already lol
Good luck for us.

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You will need to remove a course/lessons from it from the Continue Studying shelf and the Playlist will then disappear automatically too.

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I removed it already. The times the i’ve listened to it has vanished , but the course is still there.
I’m gonna wait to see if later on the course is gonna vanish as well.

Any solutions?

Months later and this behaviour with the stubborn course playlists seems to be still happening. :frowning:

No items on the ‘Continuing Studying’ shelf shown below (all items removed as @zoran instructed) …

…but still have course showing in playlist

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I am also having this problem. There doesn’t seem to be any way to remove the playlists listed under “Courses”. Clearing from “Continue Studying” has no effect

It seems there is no solution to this question, yet.

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