How to deal with words I'm not ready to learn yet?

I use the options to mark all the blue words on a page completed after I’ve read the page. Sometimes this leads to the following problem: there may be several really rare words, which are of no use on my current level, thus I don’t want to create LingQ’s for them I don’t want them to get marked automatically as known and spoil my statistics.
Is there a way to handle these words without turning off the option of marking all words on a page as known?

They won’t get marked known if you just make them into lingqs. The goal is to create as many lingqs as possible.

When you open another lesson and you have previously encountered a word it will be yellow. Don’t stress memorizing the lingqs, you will do this just by encountering the word over and over while you read.

Now how I personally go about it but whatever fits your needs.

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If you don’t want to mark them known, and if you don’t want to make lingqs, then you can ignore them. There is a button for that and a keyboard shortcut: “x”.

If it’s a real word it makes sense to make a ling. But maybe you don’t want it to appear in the vocabulary drills? Maybe there is some advice on how to deal with that. I don’t know, though, because I rarely use the drills, and when I do I just accept whatever collection of words it chooses to present.

Edit: The other choice is to leave the uninteresting words blue. There is an option to not move words to known when advancing to the next page.

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Do create the lingqs. Create as many as you can. Then add tags. For example, you can tag some words “learn_now” and others “learn_later”. Later you can filter your vocabulary lists by tag.
Anyway, I do agree with @Blicer: making lingqs is more important than reviewing them. The main learning mechanism on Lingq (and in real life) is exposure to language

You are able to mark a lingq on a number scale, the more you know a word the higher the number you should mark. You could simply mark words you don’t feel necessary to review as a 1 and then in your flash cards review only words with 2 or higher ranking.


If you know the word, mark it as known; if you don’t know the word/phrase, make it a LingQ. Tagging can be used to hyperdefine it as needed for later, as Francisco said.

I struggled with this when I started. I chose to put all those in the #4 category. Works for me…

Лучше пропускать эти слова. Я ещё добавляю их на LingQ, а потом их проверять позже. Вы вероятно будете встретить их на других уроках.

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