How to be a good teacher (Measuring Success)

Hi all!

I wanted share a blog post I wrote about evaluating success as an online English teacher.

After 3 years of teaching I wanted to share my thoughts on how we as tutors can measure our success.

Perhaps you will find it interesting? :slight_smile:

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Good evening Josh,

for me, most interesting sum up is at the end when you wrote:
β€œTo conclude this post, I would say the most important way to measure your success is to evaluate whether your students are motivated and confident.”

If you keep the person interested during a long period of time, that’s a great personal success.

Other way to measure success is to note after each lessons feedbacks provided. For instance, you corrected a way to say something or provide another way to express something. Then you think if the person is using the new expression you have adviced in the past or they stop doing a mistake they were doing over an over again. That measures the influence you have on that person to improve her/his skills.

Thank you for reading & yes I agree. Summarising what the student did well throughout the lesson and noting the corrections are good ideas