How to avoid spam on Lingq website?

As we were talking about the improvements which should be made to Lingq website I think there is extra tip. I got message ( and I can see other people too ) form person who is giving her e mail address and posted coment on my wall.

I can see it is spam because when I wrote this e mail address in Google I saw it was reported as a spam. The problem is the so far I can do nothing and I can’t authorize messages which people put on my wall.
Something should be done about it and each member should have option to authorize messages which are given on the wall. It will improve quality of this website a lot…
Hope something will be done about it soon.

Yes, I was quite aghast at the stupidity of that message on a language forum. Well, perhaps they thought this was LiveMocha, because there some really peculiar e-mails are received, I’m told. I don’t know about the feasibility of filtering one’s own wall. It would, however, be good to be able to delete a message on it. Before I sussed out how The Wall worked, I posted myself something. It would be cool if I could take that off, it does look a bit daft.

I do not think the problem is widespread. For now I do not think it is worth diverting our programmers from other tasks. Let’s hope she(he) loses interest.