How Russian borrows words from English

Sometimes would come across such a funny example of borrowing meanings and words as:

Концентрация взгляда на точке помогает сфокусироваться на материале.
Focusing your eyes on a dot facilitates the concentration on the material.

Even the prepositions of both of the languages macth, whereas focusing/concentration are completely confused for some reason! Taking into account that it’s the natural choice of words in both.

Though I’m not absolutely sure, looking forward to English speakers for can they confirm this?)

I’m not sure of the question, but I think this could be interpreted as, “Concentrating (or focusing) one’s sight on the dot helps one to focus one’s thoughts on the material.”

In English there is overlap between the meanings of “focus” and “concentrate”. In some (many?) contexts they can be used interchangeably. There may be nuances of difference. I think I’d actually be more likely to swap those words in the English: “Focusing one’s sight on the dot helps one to concentrate on the material.” The word “concentrate” more often is used with the meaning to focus one’s mind on something. But either way it’s pretty much the same thing.

I don’t know what “точка” refers to here, so I don’t know whether “dot” or “point” is the best choice. Possibly either would do.

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Thanks Khardy!

That’s it, there’s the same overlap in Russian, but in this particular case using Концентрируя with взгляд (or глаза) would be a very akward or clumsy way to phrase, though the meaning is clear. Maybe it’s the word is too furry to pronounce or something else. Or it’s because in Russian, within the context of sight/vision/acuity, the optical term фокус is commonly used.

I also like the word “urge” for its neutrality. The deal is that the russian word позыв is used almost exclusively in the context of hmm… health, like throwing up and the other end of the story :smiley: And I can’t recall any words with similar meaning, other than perharps порыв, but that in turn overlaps with the common pair порыв ветра, that is an external thing, while urge is (rather) the sudden and strong internal desire to do something. Now I have an urge to use “urge” in Russian sometimes.