How does one create lingqs with a smartphone?

how does one create lingqs with a smartphone?

Are you using the app or a web browser?

The app cannot yet create LingQs, but it is possible (although somewhat painful) to create lingqs on a smartphone through the web browser. The first method is to switch to quick lingq view and create your lingqs using that screen. The other way only works on Android I believe and involves using Firefox for android. If you press a blue word and “tickle” your finger back and forth, it will activate the hover event for that word and allow you to create a lingq. Using firefox you can also highlight phrases and then “tickle” them to create lingqs. But it can turn into a rather tedious process.

Imyr, I use my iphone for work all the time actually. I work as an artist on movies and commercials and I use my iphone as a sketch pad for preliminary sketch ideas… I’m excited to see where smartphones and tablets are headed because they are quite useful.

As for creating lingqs on a tablet/smart phone. I’ve tried on the iphone. Its WAYYYYYY to tedious. I wouldnt bother. I absolutely cannot wait until they add lingq creation to the LINGQ APP!!! that will be a game changer!!! I hope lingq is working on this AS WE WRITE THIS =)… hint hint…


You’re right when you say “Most people are consumers of media and not creators”.

BUt dont go knocking it down if you’re not fully aware of its cababilities in the artistic field. I can link you to a bunch of professionals in graphic design , photography, filmography ect… that all use smart phones 100% for the creation of their Media ( in this case visuals). Theres a few artist out there that paint covers for Magazines like THE NEWYORKER, times magazine 100% on an Iphone/ipad. Theres also a few photographers who professionally take pictures and sell them with their iphone. ALSO theres a few famous directors who have used Iphones to shoot short live action movies… Technology is getting MUCH better and the tech they put into these small devices are not to be ignored. This will only get more and more common as the technology improves… for me its not there yet but I have included it partially into the way I work!

Yes, the majority of creative type people will probably not use a smart phone for their final output of creative jobs. But I think its well within the next 10 years ( realistically) wheree these devices will be totally useable for most anything creative! You’ll see…

I know you’re not easily convinced about this kind of stuff and you’re set in your ways of doing things BUT never say NEVER. =)…


“However, they will absolutely never take over in terms of media creation.” at the moment, maybe not professionally but socially they have taken over ( in my opinion) in terms of Photo creation/ sharing… No doubt about it!!! Obviously its not as good as a DSLR or some digital camera but I do feel like it has taken over… it’ll only get better over time =)… watch out!

The proof is in the millions of videos that people take everyday on youtube using their smart phones, instagram, facebook ect… all use the function to CREATE pictures/ videos to share… Bunch of members here use their iphones to create videos … For example… Alex is one that comes to mind…

@Odiernod thank you for your reply. I find that the ‘quick lingq’ screen is a very easy way to create lingqs on a smartphone. I was able to create about 300 lingqs yesterday whilst on various modes of transportation travelling form Seoul to Busan. I also sat with my quick lingq view working away whilst half watching the tennis final (tennis being a very stop and start sport).

Whilst I am not one to bring the personal details of my life into any online discussion I am trying to make a point. That being that efficiency is of paramount importance in ‘finding the time’ when i comes to learning a language. This is why it was so important for me to find out how to Lingq from a smartphone.
I have failed utterly to convince any of my friends to take up learning a language, and I am always given the same reason, ‘I don’t have the time’. I find that when people think of language learning (I have gathered this from conversations with expats in Korea) they picture themselves grinding away in a classroom or sitting hunched over a book or in front of a computer screen. There is always some event in their life which they must first tackle before they can ‘think about’ starting to learn a language. The reason I have become so taken with Lingq is because it is so flexible, the ‘Lingq’ method fits very well into a busy lifestyle.
I am speaking as an fresh enthusiast not as an experienced practitioner (having only become interested in language learning this year).