How do you edit course information? (note: not lesson information, course information)

Hi there everyone.

When importing a new lesson, I see a drop-down labelled “Course”, which allows you to select the course to associate the lesson with. I also see a plus sign to add a new course. The drop-down shows all courses I’ve created or started to create in error.

But I can’t see anywhere where you can (1) edit the names of the courses already created, (2) delete courses created in error, (3) associate a lesson with a different course?

Can these be done? If so, how?


You can change a Course for a lesson in the Edit page. The right top part of the Edit page has a list of the Course’s lessons. The title of the list is clickable and leads to the page where you can modify the course’s name, description, image, etc.
I don’t know how to delete a course but it is possible to rename a course and use it for other sets of lessons.
Every lesson may me moved to another course from the drop down list in the Edit page.

@junoba Also, other than what @Ress already suggested, on “My Imports” tab you can click on the course name above each lesson title which will load a course page with list of all lessons in that course and its details on the top. There you will see “Edit Course” button. On the Edit course page you can both edit course informations or delete a course.

Hi there. Sorry but I can’t locate either of the pages you’re mentioning.

Ress, where is the Edit page? From the Home page, is it somewhere under one of the three menus in the top left-hand side of the Home page (Lessons, Exchange, Forum), even though it can’t be seen at the first level of any of those three drop-downs? Or is it to be found under one of the options that come up with the plus sign drop down in the top right-hand side (under Import Lesson or Import Vocabulary)? Or is it hidden somewhere else?

Zoran, where is the “My imports” tab? I can see 3 tabs: “Lesson Feed”, “Lesson Library” and “My Lessons”, but I can’t see any “My Imports” tab.

You will find a settings button right next to tabs you mentioned. Click on it and Settings popup will appear where you will be able to activate additional tabs to show up on your home page, including “My Imports”.

Hi Zoran. OK, thanks, I got to the goal… but not easily. First, I selected other tabs to view, using the options button as you suggested. The first little hurdle was that you can’t actually move the sliders by sliding them as you’d expect. Instead, I discovered after a while that you have to click on the opposite side of the slider, which is non-intuitive. Once over that little wrinkle, I was initially unable to see the edit button. I finally discovered that you are able to get it through the MyCourses tab (not through the MyImports tab). From the MyCourses tab, you have to click on the title of the course that you want to edit in the list, which I only discovered randomly by clicking here and there, as you can’t tell that the title is clickable or what the behaviour will be if you do click on it. Clicking on the title brings you to a view of course in which the “edit course” button shows up and you’re able to actually get in and modify the course information. (Note that on the MyImports tab, if you click on the title of the course in the list in the very same way I just described for the MyCourses tab, the behaviour is totally different: it launches the course just like the “Open” button does).

P.S. I don’t find the interface of this application is all that user-friendly…Luckily there is help available!!!