I have just found LingQ. I have set my level to intermediate and then moved it up to advanced, but I am still getting very simple videos such as Karen Consigue Un Gato and I have to say that I know the word un, and gato, etc. How do I get to more advanced courses ?
I went to News and read some articles from El Tiempo - is there any further activity that I should have done with this ? It just seemed to be a link to an article.
I am not understanding how to use this site but it comes highly recommended from Reddit.
If you are just looking for courses already on the site, I recommend going to the “What’s New” category (click view all), selecting the level you are looking for (In the “Sort By” column), and start browsing.
I have better luck when I sort by “Courses.” The default is usually “Lessons” in the web version so I would change that too.
If you’re willing to struggle a bit I would suggest that you import your own texts, leave the teaching material and go on to actual native content. Read about things that interests you for real, that you would be willing to read about in your native language. If you’re a sailor, import the commercial blurbs from boat manufacturers or a wiki article about the history of sailing; if you’re an investor, import some quarterly reports, and so on.
I’ve just started Spanish so I’m working on A1 level material, and a little bit of A2.
I’ve been reading and listening to French material on LingQ for a little over 2 years now though. In my early days here I spent most of my time on French LingQ listening to radio broadcasts, podcasts for both learners and native listeners, and listening to/reading books that other people had imported to LingQ. For the last several months I’ve been using ones that I’ve imported myself.
You may want to look for material marked Intermediate 2 to Advanced 2 if most of what you are finding is too simple to hold your attention and help you learn. Some of the lower-level graded readers require payment to use, but I haven’t seen any intermediate or advanced material that does.
Go to “Lessons” and then scroll down to “Books” and select “View all.” Select Intermediate 2 to see if that material suits your level, and if it’s not interesting or challenging enough try doing the same with Advanced 1 and Advanced 2. If the material has been properly classified you shouldn’t be getting A1 (beginner) material when you select Advanced 2. If for some reason you do, keep trying other Advanced 2 material.