How do I cancel/delete my account?

Learn how to cancel your subscription entirely and delete your account

If you're not already on the Free plan, you must first go through the downgrade flow to cancel your account and delete all data.
Once your account has been downgraded, from the Account tab, you can click the "Delete your account" button at the bottom of the page from the Account tab.

Canceled accounts are immediately deleted from the system along with all data.
NOTE: If you purchased your subscription through Apple Store or Google Play, you must cancel/downgrade it in the same app store.

iOS app

Once your account has been downgraded, from the Account tab, you can click the "Delete your account" hyperlink at the bottom of the page.
From Apple store help center:
Uninstalling/Deleting the app does not delete your account and data. You need to downgrade and manually delete your account to do so.

Android app

Once your account has been downgraded, from the Account tab, you can click the "Delete your account" hyperlink at the bottom of the page.
From Google play help center:
Uninstalling the app does not delete your account and data. You need to downgrade and manually delete your account to do so.
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