How can I undelete LingQs?

As a new user, I used the delete button on a few LingQs thinking it meant I got it wrong. How can I restore them?

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If you recently started, you probably haven’t done a whole lot of lessons yet; what I would do is go back to the lessons where you ignored (trashed/deleted) some LingQ’s. When you open a lesson (in computer browser), you can see a sidebar that you can expand to see the words in the lesson. If you click the tab at the bottom of the list that says “all words” you can see all the words that were “trashed.” Then you can go through the lesson looking for those words. Click on them and change the status selection (1,2, 3…) for each word.

(Edited to add: “all words” also shows words that were not trashed.)

There might be a different way if you had already gone through a huge number of lessons, but I don’t know what that would be.

Another way is to not worry about it; if later on you encounter an unfamiliar word and it’s not blue, click it anyway and change the status. :slight_smile:


Thanks for that detailed explanation. I’ll take a look.
I didn’t know that if the word appears again it will show up as a blue word. That could be the best solution - I.e do nothing.

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It won’t show up as blue. It will show up as no color, but you can click it. :slight_smile: