How can i repair my Streak?

Hi, is there a way to repair my streak? Yesterday I reached my daily point after midnight.

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you can use your coins to repair your streak. You probably will get an email from LingQ

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thank you for your reply, unfortunately, I haven’t received any E-mail so far. I read somewhere that I couldn’t repair it with streak 1, it must be 0 to be repaired!

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@marchi20 your streak shows as inactive since November 18th.

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sorry zoran, your right, i have login whit wrong account. my account is marchi91

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Thanks, I fixed your German streak now.


any chance I can get mine repaired? I kept clicking the repair and it it didn’t do anything. When I refreshed the screen because I thought there was something wrong it did not offer the option again.

Thanks in advance!

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Hi @quasi2, fixed your streak, would show up 51 days (repaired streak for 4 days in the past - for missed days: April 12, March 8, March 2, February 27).

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Somehow I lost my streak yesterday. I don’t understand why 'cause I’ve read and listened quite a lot and earned enough lingq’s. Please repair it.

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@PatrickOudejans I fixed your streak.