Hours of listening targets

…in all languages don’t go up as you raise your level. They stay at 126 hours which is surely too low for all levels above beginner 2.

Lingqs created and learned seem to stay the same too, though that may be a deliberate decision on your part.

I mean the All Time ones. They’re the ones I look at to figure out if I can put myself up a level.

Helen, I look at the description of a level to decide which level I am. The statistic is nice, but I think there are so many other factors. One factor is for example the level that you had when you started.

Actually, the listening number is supposed to be constant. You should always listen a lot. When you are a beginner, you will tend to listen to the same things over and over more whereas as a more advanced learner you will listen to longer lessons less often. However, the total hours of listening should be the same. Of course, the more you lesson the better no matter what your level.

I can see that, as you get better at a language, the amount of time you spend listening per week should not change. But once you hit 126 hours, according to your All Time targets, you don’t ever have to listen to another word!

I’d have thought (wild guess alert):
126 hours - beginner 2
250 hours - intermediate 1
500 hours - intermediate 2
750 hours - advanced 1

That’s assuming it takes you about 3 years to get to advanced 1. Maybe 4 years and 1000+ hours would more realistic?

I can see that, as you get better at a language, the amount of time you spend listening per week should not change. But once you hit 126 hours, according to your All Time targets, you don’t ever have to listen to another word!

I’d have thought (wild guess alert):
126 hours - beginner 2
250 hours - intermediate 1
500 hours - intermediate 2
750 hours - advanced 1

That’s assuming it takes you about 3 years to get to advanced 1. Maybe 4 years and 1000+ hours would more realistic?

Unfortunately, our system isn’t that smart. :slight_smile: Therefore, if the overall targets were doubled, the weekly targets would double. And, since we are more worried about the weekly targets than the overall, the overall number stays the same. In fact, those all time target numbers except for the Known Words are really only meant to represent a 3 month window. The all time numbers are really just there for you to track your own activity all time.