High Data comsumption

Hi, this morning i was using lingq with my android mobile, with dolphin and firefox browser.
I have 500mb every month in 3g. In 3 or 4 hours my inet provider sent a message to me saying i was near to reach the 500mb. In this few hours I spent over 460 mb and only using this web and downloading nothing.

I´ve called my internet provider and say they have no problems with the connection.

It could be possible there´s something wrong in lingq that makes this enormous data comsumption?

Has anyone experimented this issue?

One user noted that the Library was preloading parts of some mp3 files, but we’ve now fixed this. That being said, I can’t imagine that you would use up 400mb of bandwidth in just a few hours on the site unless you were constantly opening lessons and playing audio files.

Then the problem may be the one you mention. I´ve been using two browsers with the web at the same time. And if both browsers were preloading mp3 files perhaps reached this numbers. If this was the problem take care with it because in wifi there is no problem but in 3g it costs money.

I would still be surprised that it would load that much data from our site in such a short period of time. Fortunately, this preloading issue has been fixed so the site shouldn’t be very data-heavy, even on 3G.