
i dont’ know how to send anarticle to be corrected, could you help me?

If you would like to have your writing corrected, you will have to purchase points by clicking on the ‘Buy points’ link located in the top right corner of the page after you log in to your account. However, if you buy points as a free member they will cost you twice as much as they cost a Basic, Plus or Premium member. Therefore, I recommend that you upgrade to Plus or Premium membership by clicking on the Account link, also located in the top right corner of any page after you log in. You can also upgrade to Basic membership ($10 per month) and then purchase points which you can use for writing and speaking.

Once you have points in your account, you simply click on the ‘Write’ tab and then on the ‘Submit writing’ link in order to send us your writing. A LingQ tutor will then correct your writing. You can watch a video demo on the Write page if you’d like more explanation.

Please click on the following link in order to read more about our membership levels and points system: What does LingQ cost? See our pricing information here.


LingQ Support

i dont now