Help us in our podcasts

We are looking for people to help us produce podcasts in their language. We would like them to be around 10 minutes long or so. Ideally we want conversations. Today I just loaded up one to from a couple in Japan. It is natural, informal and kind of lets us into their living room. We have received some great ones from Latin America that are going up in What about others? We will give 1,000 points to be used at LingQ for every podcast.

Hi Mark, How are you, I’m Indonesian, do you think that anyone want the podcast of Indonesian language? just let me know if you think this is interesting to upload the Indonesian podcast.

Hi jootje,

Thanks for the interest! Unfortunately, right now we don’t teach Indonesian so we’re not looking for Indonesian podcasters. But we would like to teach Indonesian someday so check back in the future!

The languages we are looking for are French, Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Italian, German, Swedish, and Russian.