We have just uploaded some significant improvements to our Help system. Yes, we know the system was quite limited before so any improvement would be significant. You will find that where we previously sent you to the LingQCentral blog when you clicked ‘Help’ in the system we now have created Help pages. These pages are not yet complete but please be patient as they will get better quickly.
You will also notice that we now have a “Getting Started” area at the top of each section of the site. We have introduced these to help new users understand what to do and to get started. For those of you who already know what to do, you can just click on the “Don’t show me the Getting Started window anymore” link for each section you no longer want to see. Of course, there are advanced activities that we don’t show in the “Getting Started” screens but these are intended as a way to get people started.
Finally, you will soon start seeing translations of the text on the site and in the user interface. We have completed our translation system and now all we need are the translations themselves, which we will be adding gradually. For that reason, we would like to ask for volunteers who would be willing to translate the site text into your language. If you are interested, please email us at support at lingq dot com.
We think these three features will make LingQ much more usable for new members and even for many of you existing members who may not have understood our site very well. As usual, please let us know what you think of these new features and any related suggestions you may have.