Help separating a Khmer script that gets the "w" pronunciation in Latin on Google Translate

Hi dear Forum members of LingQ Forum!

I have registered an account today when I was searching a forum for language tools, since I was unable to do a task with machine translation services, professional translation services and non Latin language decoding services. I have been working with some Khmer words to learn them on the internet, to know how they are pronounced and to know different things how they are written in Khmer language.

I have faced a concern which I need from a forum member to realize it if he/she can. I need help separating a Khmer script that gets the “w” pronunciation in Latin on Google Translate, for example: ៅ which on Google Translate is pronounced in Latin letters at the bottom of the Khmer script above the translation as “a w”, example on the link:ៅ&op=translate . I need to get only the last script as a character, like on this image attached as a link via my Dropbox account: Dropbox

There are also various conjucted Khmer scripts which have the “w” pronunciation in Latin:

មៅ - mow

ផៅ - phaw

ណៅ - naw

នៅ - now

កៅ - kaw

សៅ - saw

and others

I would be so happy if someone which is native to the Khmer language or can consult a Khmer expert will be able to separate that Khmer script which will get the “w” pronunciation in Latin on Google Translate and send the character as a separated text without space to me as a reply here on forum.

The separated script not only will stand for the “w” pronunciation in Latin for Khmer, but it will be the letter “W” for the Khmer language, which for now is conjucted and I can’t find a tool to separate it. The Khmer language has only this letter conjucted, representing “W” and the other letters are separated.

I would thank someone from you which will be able to separate it.

It can be separated by a third party software, a professional translation service or something else. Or by being consulted with a graphics design company to write it in a PC with a professional draw tool in order to derive the script like there are special characters, for example the currency characters, $ for USD, € for Euro, £ for GBP, ¥ for Japanese YEN, ₩ for Korean WON and others… and the result should be the Khmer script with the same writing (typeface) as the other Khmer scripts.

I have asked some third party software members and professional translation services, but some of them didn’t separated it, some of them wanted payment for doing this task.

I need from one of your Forum members to separate it.


I know almost nothing about Khmer; maybe others can add to this.

The Khmer consonant closest to what English speakers would call a “initial w” consonant letter or “final w” consonant letter is written with the symbol Unicode U+179C KHMER LETTER VO. វ This is the way to write an “initial w” consonant or “final w” consonant in a Khmer syllable.

There is a Khmer vowel that can be Romanized as “au” or “aw”. It is written with the symbol Unicode U+17C5 KHMER VOWEL SIGN AU . ៅ Given that Khmer has a consonant that can be romanized as “w” I recommend choosing “au” as the romanization for the vowel. This vowel is written with a single noncontiguous symbol. There is usually no need to split this symbol into its left half and right half. Speakers of Bangla, Thai, Lao, and Khmer will be familiar with this concept of a single vowel symbol with non-contiguous left and right halves. Regarding non-contiguous symbols, an example familiar to English speakers is lower case “i”. It has a bottom half (the short vertical line) and the top half (the dot). It is a single symbol even though it is noncontiguous. There is usually no need to split this English symbol into its bottom half and top half.

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However I want to split it to get the right half without the space before it so the script can stand it alone. Can you split it for me?

This is the result I want:

which I got it from taking a screenshot of the script separated and zoomed: Dropbox and the script drawed by me: Dropbox

Please separate the right script from this script ៅ for me if you can and provide the result here as a reply. The separated script shouldn’t have the space that conjucts the scripts.


I recommend that you continue to use a screenshot. That is quick, and can be distributed world-wide, to many different computer platforms (Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, etc.), without requiring the recipients to do anything special.

If you want this to be “script”, rather than a screenshot, then you should use the Unicode “Private Use Area”. You will have to build your own font or fonts from_scratch. This might be suitable if you are creating a computer game, and want to display lengthy amounts of a fictional written language within that computer game. You would want to include the font with the game, so users don’t have to do a separate download of the font.

Viewers of a Private Use Area script who download and use the intended font will see the script produced by that font. Those who do not download the intended font, or do not use the intended font, are not be able to correctly see Private Use Area script.

I can’t post screenshots as I am a new user. In addition the links doesn’t open when I attach as it’s a technical issue. The explanation is simple: I want to separate the right script from these 2 conjucted Khmer scripts: ៅ, which will get the “w” pronunciation in Latin in Google Translate and it can be even used to represent the “W” letter. The separated script should’t have the space in the form of O before it, the script should stand as a normal script in Khmer, as an independent script.