Hello, thanks for this site

I was looking forward to know more about learning, and i`m glad for this site. Thank you very very much


Thanks for these comments. I am studying Russian right now, but soon I will want to learn Czech. I hope you can help create some content in Czech for us in a few months, when we start offering that language here.

Hi, I’m Frances from the Philippines. I have just signed up for LingQ to learn French language. Thanks for creating this site. It will really help a lot of those who intend to learn new foreign languages. Thanks so much and keep up the good work!

Thank you for your kind words and welcome to LingQ!

LingQ Support

hello,I’m Seghir from Algeria ; I’ve learned english at school for 11 years but i haven’t made big progress but now with lingQ it is totally diffrent, I used the system for only three months and I can understand write and even speak english much better. lingQ’s methods are very effecient so thank you very much steve ,jill, mark and all the tutors and also henry because now I’m lerning french and I relly like the new french podcasts
good luk and keep the good work.

I’m so happy LingQ has helped you and thank you for letting us know. It is very rewarding for us to hear comments like yours.


I am sorry, i have now a lot of stuff to do… to choose new work, where to live… so i won`t be here for some time…