Hello Evgenij, i just started off with your first steps

Hello Evgenij, i just started off with your first steps the last days. I can’t find the explanations english (in any lesson) you are refering too in this first lesson. Would you please give me a hint? Greetings Stefan

There are some English notes or sometimes translations to the first lessons of this course.- You can find on the right on the top this bottom to the English translation/English notes. But only for first lessons because I’m sure every student can make lingqs and understand the most words. If you don’t find any words. you can ask me and I’ll answer you about the certain words. And I believe that my course Русский с нуля-Russian from zero(68 lessons) is simplier that Первые шаги-First steps although there are no English explanations. And you can find the full English and Germnan translations to my course Вопросы и ответы-Questions and answers(17 lessons). Good luck!

Thank you for your detailed explanation. I will try the easier course then probably as you recommend. I enjoy your course, thanks for that :slight_smile:

Good luck!- Viel Erfolg! But don’t be in a hurry! Eile mit Weile! Repeat each lesson several times until you understand everything and remember the most of the words. It’s very important to make a firm basement at the very beginning.