Having your writing submission recorded

I have begun to record the French writings that are submitted to me. If any other French students want to get their texts recorded, let me know. Having the audio files will be very helpful for your learning.

Is there an English native speaker that would agree to record some of my English writings?

Thanks. Marianne

Thanks for the heads-up, Marianne! That sounds like a great way to help learning.

Assuming my voice suits you, I would be happy to record some of your English writings. My e-mail is jasondixonmail@gmail.com if you would like to e-mail me there.


I would like that too, Marianne. I can record your writings for you as well.

That is a great idea Marianne. Maybe others can do the same.

From time we may want to import and share these through the Library. I have changed the Category “Member Introductions” and have named it “Member Voices”. We can load up any recorded corrected writing, as well as personal introductions, in this area, as long as it is recorded by a native speaker.

In some cases, like mine, the tutors sound equipment is not ideal, so maybe other native speakers could help with the recording. If someone else records my writing for me,he or she can upload them and earn the points. Just let me know.

I’ve put mine under Beginner I/Member writings, I couldn’t find this one in the French library…
I’m trying to buy a better microphone these days, but I don’t know why, it’s not easy to find USB headsets in Brazil. I’ll let you know when I’m prepared for reading in Portuguese with a better sound quality.

Like Marianne I would really appreciate if a native English speaker could record my writings; it would be very helpful to me. As an exchange of favors, I would be thrilled to record yours. Let me know if someone is interested in doing so.
My e-mail is doucet.serge@free.fr
Thanks a lot


I’d like to help, but we must be a tutor for that, right?

Mark, I’ll record your submissions with pleasure. I will do for you Jason too for your future writings as for Ana and any others students.

Thanks for agreeing to record mine Jason and Mark :slight_smile:

Pedro, you don’t have to be a tutor. This is outside of the system. Anyone can do it.

Marianne, just let me know when you want one recorded.

Anyone can do it. Pedro. I will do one of myself in Portuguese and I would be thrilled to have a EU Portuguese and Brazilian version. I would be happy to let anyone who has done one of me load it up in the Portuguese store in order to earn the points.

Please use the Category “Member Voices” both for recorded introductions and recorded corrected writing. First I have to write them and ask a Portuguese tutor to correct them, and hopefully record them. It would be great to have two or more versions. I do not know what others think.

Hi everyone. Here comes the Japanese version. If anyone wants your Japanese writings recorded, send me texts to lingqtutorhitomi(at)gmail.com
(at) means @

I am here for Japanese learners too. Mine is emmaemmagmail.com
I just recorded Val’s writing. Her writing is very persuasive! I enjoyed reading it.

oops, I put wrong email address. Sorry!
The correct address is:


I really would like my French writing! I will read some of your English in return. Let me message you on Vox

when I looked for an USB micro I found the information that the Blue Snowball is the only good one.I think if you want to by you can find it in the Internet. I think I bought it by Amazone but I don’t know exactly anymore.

Ok, Steve, tell me when your writing is ready.

Irene, thanks for your tip. I’m well aware the snowball is the best, but it is also the most expensive. Taxes over electronic products are very high in Brazil. To give you an idea, I discovered this week by chance that the Nintendo Wii costs about $300 in the US and the equivalent to $1000 in Brazil!
I’ll open another thread about this thing of the microphone, anyway.

I do not think that the Blue Snowball is necessary for individual recordings. My Logitech USB microphone headset works just fine and is less expensive. It also depends on the computer’s sound card. It sells for $30 or so on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-ClearChat-Comfort-USB-Headset/dp/B000UXZQ42

Thanks, Steve, you spared me the need of a new thread… I was just going to ask if anyone has already recorded good sound quality audios with a simple usb headset…

I can make recordings if an English speaker is still needed. I am a Canadian native English speaker, I live in the Pacific Time zone. I make recordings for myself and they sound okay to me. I would be happy send a test sample if you want to hear my voice and whether the recording quality suits you. I can make WAV or MP3 files. Let me know. Although there really is a great deal of interesting content already available on Linq, I think this is an exciting possibility for exchanging native speaker recordings of custom content!