Has something changed in regard to auto-pause?

I always had my lingq set up to pause when i click on a word to find out its meaning. But recently, the audio just keeps playing and I then get a bit lost and have to keep rewinding. Is there an option somehwere I am not seeing that makes the audio stop when I press on and look up a word?

Also, it would be great if they could add a 10 second rewind button to the bar at the bottom left, as 5 seconds are rarely long enough.

Thank you.

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Go to Settings > Reader > Text to speech and there you can enable:
“Stop lesson audio to play tts”.

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It already is ticked. But the audio just keeps going.
It always used to stop when I click on a word.
See photo.


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That could be a bug, then. We will look into it. Thanks for reporting.

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