Greek newsfeed not updating

I’ve noticed that the same two articles keep appearing on all my devices in the Greek feed. The other languages I’ve been using have new articles appearing every day (from multiple sources), would it be possible for someone at LingQ to take a look at the Greek feed?

Also, nothing but ‘Naftemporiki’ shows up in the feed, are there any other Greek RSS feeds that should be providing content?


It seams it is the same with Danish. I think, I opened the Danish slot two days ago (I can’t remember exactly), the same articles have at least appeared two days in a row.

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I had the same problem with Greek newsfeed: I contacted support and I think finally it has been resolved for me though new articles do not appear as often as in other languages yet.

Today I did receive new news articles from the feed. I still have the same problem with Italian.

Thanks for confirming this problem in other languages. The Greek feed seems to be stuck on August 21st, the date of the last update.

Italian appears to have new content every day.

The news feed is one of my favorite features of the site redesign, I would love to have many more articles to choose from, perhaps even a new tab “All News” or something.

Ok, vacation is over, time to fix this please! :slight_smile:

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Hi gregf,
Greek Media feed update properly for me. However, we did had another user recentlywith similar issue (Sarka1 who also posted comment here), so it seems to be related to specific accounts, not languages.
I’ll reported your problem too our developers too and I’ll let you know as soon as it’s fixed.

Thanks for the update Zoran: do you have news in your personal Greek feed other than the one from mid-August? Mine has been stuck for weeks.

Otherwise, I found another rss feed with good Greek sources (actually for most European languages): Euronews.

Would it be possible to add the Euronews Greek feed? Thank you!

I do have new Greek media articles from today.
What level you are studying in Greek currently? To what level is your Greek Feed set?
There need to be fresh native lessons added to the feed before the media articles will appear, which means that there needs to be more other users studying the same level to complete or like lessons which will then appear in your feed.

PS: I added Euronews Greek into Media Feed list, thanks!

I didn’t notice this problem, my feed seems to be working.

“there needs to be more other users studying the same level to complete or like lessons which will then appear in your feed.” Sounds strange, someone has to be the first to work on the lesson, right?

For Greek, I found two more newspaper article sources:

Please check if those can be added, too.
