Great German resources I'd like to share

I feel pretty lucky that I’m learning a language with a vast amount of resources out there and I try to not take that for granted considering many do not always have that luxery.

However sometimes its not always easy going through the ruff to find what you like, I’ve experienced going through countless resources I just didn’t like all that much. I’d like to share some resources I think you German learners might like.

Max und Moritz -this is a pretty interesting little story, rather basic, I’d say B1 level. What I liked about this is the youtube channel link with all these stories has CC options for English and German subtitles


Die Klugscheisserin - very interesting youtube channel. Talks about an array of interesting topics, like politcs, technology, german culture, interesting facts, and even has explanations about the German language. What I like most about this is the interesting content, it’s spoken very clearly, it’s rather brief, and the girl making the videos is pretty funny too.

MrWissen2go - another very interesting youtube channel. I’d say this channel is more political and news oriented but it’s very interesting. It also talks about interesting history. It’s spoken very clearly, but each video usually runs around 10 minutes long.

Learn German with Herr Antrim- one of my favorites. This is a channel made by an American who teaches German through funny puppet shows. It may sound silly but it’s very entertaining and funny. His videos also have CC options to show German and English subtitles simeltaneuously, he also offers grammar explanations in the videos and whole videos dedicated to grammar. I’d say this is for a more intermediate student however, might not be so helpful for low beginners.

As yah can probably tell I like watching videos, I guess I’m a visual learner so I like seeing someone speaking, however I’m also trying to read more so here’s a link from the Goethe Institut where you can borrow PDFs(and Audio but only in .WMA, so if your a mac user don’t bother) from a wide arrange of options.
Some countries it’s free, for me (USA) I had to pay $10 for an anual fee. (Correction: Some books can be copied however many are secure .PDFs)

Last but definitely not least, I found a really awesome blog about German learning. It’s got tons of resource links, articles about Grammar culture, and just really interesting stuff. It’s all in polish but I have Google Chrome web browser and it allows me to translate everything Polish into English so I have no issues getting around, and its not a choppy broken translation, it’s really easy to read.

Ich wünsche euch allen viel Spaß und Erfolg mit der deutschen Sprache


I’ve recently recommended the Onleihe to other users here. I’ve to correct one of your information: Some books cannot be copied, others can! Under “Nutzungsbedingungen” you see that copying is allowed for this book for example: die Onleihe der Bibliotheken des Goethe-Instituts e.V.. 16:32 - gegen die Zeit


Oh wow, I had no idea, that’s great. I’m not sure if I would share them though because it may be copyright protected but i’m not sure.

Thank you, Logan.

Logan, you should definitely not share them, but you can add them as private lessons.

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Great! I was just looking for new easy content!