Grammar and LingQ

I’m looking for a guidance.

I’m studying italian at RL courses, and my level is only “Elementari” now. We are not get far in grammar terms (passato prossimo, imperfetto, presente/condizionale presente - that’s all for a while :slight_smile: ). It is curious, but I can’t say in italian “I will go…”, because we are not studied the future tense yet :))))) As well as many others things…

Since LingQ doesn’t have a grammar section, what can you guys recommend me? Should I start self-learning of the grammar ahead of my group to get maximum from my LingQ study? Or it is not very critical?

In my view, a successful language learner has to go ahead of the class. Just look up the verb tables for the future tense in your book. You can even find them on the Internet by googling for Italian verbs.

Here is an example I just found by googling.

First-Conjugation Verbs
The future tense (futuro semplice) of first-conjugation regular (-are) verbs is formed first by changing the infinitive ending -are into -er to obtain the root for the future tense. The following future endings are then added to the root: -ò, -ai, -à, -emo, -ete, -anno. (The following table includes a sample conjugation of the verb cantare.)

I (io) canterò (noi) canteremo
II tu canterai (voi) canterete
III (lui, lei, Lei) canterà (loro, Loro) canteranno

Second- and Third-Conjugation Verbs
The future tense of regular second- and third-conjugation (-ere and -ire) verbs is formed by simply dropping the final -e of the infinitive to obtain the stem and adding to the stem the following future endings: -ò, -ai, -à, -emo, -ete, -anno (the same endings, in fact, as those added to the first-conjugation group). For a sample conjugation, see the table below, which conjugates the verbs credere and partire.

I (io) crederò, partirò (noi) crederemo, partiremo
II (tu) crederai, partirai (voi) crederete, partirete
III (lui, lei, Lei) crederà, partirà (loro, Loro) crederanno, partiranno

Future Tense of Irregular Verbs
In the future tense, the verbs dare, stare, and fare simply drop the final -e of their infinitives and form the stems dar-, star- and far-, respectively; the stem of essere is sar-. These stems are then combined with the regular future-tense endings.

The verbs listed below also have an irregularly shortened stem in the future tense (usually, because the vowel a or e is dropped from the infinitive).

andare andr-
avere avr-
cadere cadr-
dovere dovr-
potere potr-
sapere sapr-
vedere vedr-
vivere vivr-

Then look for the future tense in your reading here at LingQ and save any examples of the future. Save as many as you can.

Later, once you have saved a lot, you can go to the vocabulary page at LingQ and use the Search field to search for *rai or * ranno etc.

I have been searching my vocab list in Russian using search terms like *ей, *ны etc. I find it very useful.

Thanks, Steve!
This is bugging me since I joined to LingQ. In one hand, I could determine the meaning of “crederò” word from the context of an article (I didn’t create a LingQ for this word 'cause I already know the infinitive), but surely there is a huge difference between known and unknown tenses while listening, fast reading, etc…
I’ll fill the gap.

it is very important to understand the principle that at LingQ each form of the word is a different word. It generates different examples. It can be searched in different ways in our Vocabulary section. If you know the meaning, just put something else in the Hint section. I often save Russian words and just put the ending in the Hint box. I find that when I review them in Flash Cards, seeing the ending in the Hint area, helps to provide a visual stimulus that helps my brain pay attention to the ending.

Language learning is not theory or explanations. It is all about training the brain to notice and form new habits.

With French, I’m already starting to recognize certain verb forms. Surely I’ve got many to go but my brains already noticing, as Steve said. I’m ok with that for now, later it will develop the habit, in terms of output.

Thanks , Steve!!
This is a new use the lingQ for mi.So the vocabulary can become more access.
Danke Steve!
Du hast mir eine neue Möglichkeit gezeigt ,wie ich das LingQ vocabulary für mich ganz persönlich anwenden kann!Danke für denTip!!!

Thanks, Steve! :slight_smile:
I will use this tip for the General Subjunctive Mood in German (Konjunktiv II).

Ich möchte doch hoffen, wir bräuchten den nicht mehr so oft. Man könnte wünschen, den hätten sie schon abgeschafft! (Actually, I love it.)