Google transalete

What happens with google translate in popups? disappear? I only have a problem?

same here, on Firefox, only “…” shows up in the google translate popup

Yes, it has happened to me too. I remember getting a notice on my “Google translate gadget” yesterday, about something Google translate would not offer free translation apps anymore. And now today when i turned on my computer, the translation gadget was dysfunctional.

Sad really, I used to use it a lot. :frowning:

oh no, that’s really bad news then… it was so convenient

We’re sorry for the trouble. Give us a little bit of time to get this sorted out.

I wrote about this on Sept. 10, 2011 -

The FREE Google Translate Application Programming Interface (API) was shut off completely on December 1, 2011.
One has to pay for this service now…

I hope we can get google translate working again. Not having it integrated into Lingq was one of the reasons I quit studying Latin. It makes a big difference in terms of efficiency.

It was quite terrible for Latin, in my experience. Wiktionary was much, much better. In fact, it is for all languages.

I prefer the other dictionaries because they are more reliable and I can see if there is more than one meaning for a word. It was convenient though but it didn’t work well for all language combinations.