Google Chorme's language tool

It’s not perfect of course, but it looks like someone at google has taken the idea of lingq and applied it to the whole internet!

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I’ve got mixed feelings about this. But translating from your native tongue into a foreign language is in my opinion the worst thing about it. The easiest way to learn how NOT to speak a language correctly. It should be the other way round!

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I agree with Customic that this is actually best for people who are learning English, to have a way to instantly translate what they don’t understand on English sites and have an instant rough approximation.

Imy: Have you used it? I learned Italian awhile ago, but I don’t use it too often. Turning this on Italian is a good way for me to read more in Italian. I can see the errors within the text that is translated. Plus it’s a fun exercise for me to see what they’re saying in English, and then compare how I would translate it differently. I feel like this keeps my Italian from regressing or becoming stagnant. Is it perfect? Far from it, but it is another fun way to give myself more exposure to languages that I’m not actively studying. That being said, I recognize that this is not a good tool for beginners, who do not already understand the language, and may learn expressions that don’t exist in their target language and be confused about foreign grammers, but for me, this is a good extra tool to continue learning vocabulary.

Also, I only recommend it on “fluent”, where they translate the whole page. Just translated words here and there is lousy and no good for any learner, I agree.

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For practice. If you posted 1847 posts, I can’t imagine how many you have read. If you thought about each one in Dutch, saw the words in Dutch and compared them to English, I think you would have a better vocabulary. It’s not something to go out of the way to use this as practice, but just as an extra helpful tool to be thinking in other languages more frequently. Again, it helps me from loosing my Italian while I’m focusing on other languages. But if you don’t like it, no skin off my bones. :slight_smile:

Plus, I like that google is putting forth innovative efforts towards language learning. All I heard was negativity about googletranslate 6 years ago, and even when I started learning Russian 3 years ago it couldn’t decline nouns at all. Now they are doing better, and it’s a decent tool. Teachers at my University told me never to use that site because its unreliable and that I would learn improperly, and yet in the end they gave me top marks in all my language classes. It seems that these “bad habits” didn’t solidify, and I managed to learn the languages at a more accelerated rate.

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