Going back on the audio

u gut a prawblum?

The UK is also often gutted about something or another - at any age!

Trying to be more specific,

  1. When you pause the sound and then start it again one or two words often disapear.
  2. Sound bar should be horizontally long enough to allow easy navigation, it also shold have a knob or marker to indicate current position of playback.
  3. Buttons should be of contrast colour with the background. Light blue on white background doesn’t work well.
  4. I would like to navigate with hot keys as in many other players.

I use IE7 to give MS time to fix bugs in IE8, this browser is the most popular one, isn’t it? So, I stand for common sense.


Thanks for the suggestions. I’m not sure if we are going to spend time trying to make the start and stop mechanism more precise. It seems pretty good to me. We’ll see how much time is involved there. We are going to add a handle to allow you to find a location in the sound file more precisely. The blue colour on the current progress bar does show the position currently. The colour scheme is not really something we are looking at right now. It may not be ideal but is not a major issue. Hot keys are something that would be nice and we will add to our list of enhancements.

Regarding browser choice, I’m not sure IE7 stands for common sense. Browser choice is up to the individual. On our site both Firefox 3.5 and 3.0 are used more than IE7. Although, IE7 is used more than IE8. That is also the trend on the internet in general. Firefox is gaining huge market share away from IE. If IE wasn’t the default browser on all Windows machines, this trend would be even stronger.

We have just uploaded our improved audio player. It is much more accurate in pointing at specific points in the audio file and you can now see exactly where your mouse is pointing since a popup appears showing the time in the audio. Let us know how you like it. Also, how it works on IE7.

When you first open a lesson you may have to refresh the page a few times to remove the old player completely from your cache.

Unfortunately it doesn’t work with IE 7. I can see the time pointer but nothing happens. It works fine with FF.

It doesn’t work in IE 8 and FF 3.5 on my computer. I don’t see a progress bar, the time scale looks like ?:??, but I can listen to the audio.

Annett, hast Du “Aktualisieren” im Browser durchgeführt?

After refreshing the page a f e w times it works fine in FF, but it doesn’t in IE.

Previously I had a lot of trouble with playing the audio and going to a certain point in the audio. Now, the audio functionality is a lot better with this update. I use Opera v.10 web browser, just refreshed the page as mentioned and it worked fine!

It is working for me in IE8. And, in fact, it seems to be working in IE7 as well. You just need to give the audio a few seconds to load completely.

For me it doesn’t work with IE7. I refreshed the page. And I deleted the internet cache. But it still doesn’t work.

Can you tell me exactly what doesn’t work. Is it the play button or the clicking with the mouse on the progress bar. If you could send a video, that would be great. Do you have Jing on your computer? http://www.jingproject.com/

@Vera - We think we have now fixed the player in IE7. Can you take a look and see? Please make sure to refresh the page a few times to clear the cached version.

Completely new lesson, so, assumlingly no need to refresh the page. Anyway. I refresh it, play the audio, pause, try to go back (or forward) by clicking… if it does anything, it advances.

Now, I prefer to use a media player (or an external mp3 player), so for me this is no big issue. I’m just confirming what I believe Vera is experiencing.

@Jeff - And are you using IE7 as well? Is this with all lessons or just specific lessons?

Hi Jeff and Vera,

Please try the player again in IE7. We have made some more changes to the player.

Hi Mark, Again thank you very much! It works fine!
