Give 100 Get 100 LingQs, Guided Courses, Suggested Phrases

We have pushed a variety of updates and bugfixes this week. Among the changes, you will now get 100 LingQs added to your LingQs limit when a friend registers for LingQ and your friend will get 100 LingQs too! Please help spread the word about LingQ!

We also removed the Playlists as a separate category of content and have merged them with Courses. You will start to see these “Guided Courses” mixed in with Courses in the Library. You still create and manage these Playlists, now Guided Courses, the same way. Right click on a lesson open button dropdown to add it to a Guided Course. Edit your Guided Courses on the My Imports page.

Suggested Phrases have until recently only been shown on the blue pane when they exist but if you wanted to see them after creating a LingQ, you were unable. Now, you can! Suggested Phrases now show up on the yellow pane in the dashboard above Examples.

Here are a few other bug fixes and minor adjustments:

  • you can now highlight and ignore words you previously marked as known
  • you can now highlight and make known words you previously marked as ignored
  • importance stars now show on blue pane and work properly everywhere they are displayed
  • fixed missing paragraph spacing in imports

Great news! Thanks a lot for this improvements, Especially those concerning mark/unmark known/unknown words.

Thanks for the explanation.
Yesterday I’ve received an email announcing that I have now 100 LingQs added to my limit. It is a bit funny, because I’m a Premium member without a limit :wink: It would be nice if you add to the email notification WHO has signed up.

Yes, those hundred lingqs won’t make much difference to you…! :slight_smile: but, hopefully they will benefit your friend. We may try to add your friends username at some point to that email but in the meantime you can see who has signed up using your referral URL by going to your referrals page which you can find in the profile drop down.