I noticed too but thought is was a feature enhancement. If I’m wanting coins then I wasn’t apt to listen to my content over and over again. I always thought that not getting many coins for only listening was counter to what one ought be doing because listening to things over and over again seems to be beneficial to the learning process.
That aside, I’ve always noticed that I get many more coins on IOS for reading and identifying new or known words than if I’m doing it in a browser on my laptop or desktop. The listening increase is a recent change.
We recently increased the rate at which coins are earned for listening. It’s now 3 times what it was before - You now earn 300 coins for 1 hour of listening.
For example Ive noticed that watching videos imported from You Tube only seems to register as listening if you follow along with the text in reader view, and not if the video is maximized. Also if I rewind and re-listen to a lesson it only counts once for listening (but if I close the lesson and reopen before the second listen it registers both times).
Im not sure if Im experiencing a bug, or the intended design.
agreed. I always felt like listening was undervalued on the coins side compared to reading so nice change for those that are “streakers” and competition peeps.
Do you mean that in karaoke mode (where video is expanded), you earn less coins than in the reader view? Or do you mean that the listening stat does not accumulate when you are in karaoke mode? If the former, that is expected behavior, as you should only earn coins for listening, but in reader mode you also earn coins for reading and lingq status changes.
If the latter, then this is a bug, and we will investigate.
We’ll also look into the re-listening issue you mention.
I agree as well. Too bad I do all my listening outside LingQ nowadays. But I have taken the habit to add the listening time manually, just to have an overall idea of all stats.
Same here David. I’m mostly listening to podcasts and youtube videos. Some of the latter I’ll import if I think it might be useful vocabulary. I likewise add the time manually if I feel I’ve paid enough attention.
I don’t think that I have ever received reading word credit in the synchronized ‘karaoke mode’, although I do receive listening credit.
Pity because that mode is very usable, especially on the 2nd or 3rd time through a text when cast to the living room TV.
I have no idea if this is by design or by fault. What do you think?