I really enjoy topical or documentary radio programs or podcasts. Some examples are BBC Documentaries, This American Life, Freakonomics. Typically longer shows around a specific and interesting theme.
I am having a difficult time finding similar German radio content. Online and with transcripts would be best. I use Deutsche Welle Langsam Nachrichten daily, but that is just news.
My target content level is B1 - C1.
Does anyone have any suggestions and thank you in advance.
I have used DRadio Wissen before, but never found any transcripts and never really looked at their sister site, deutschlandfunk. However, when looking at the Deutschlandfunk topic pages just now, for some reason, most of their programs do have transcripts.
Somewhere in the Forum someone recommended a site for watching movies in German with subtitles. I watched one movie that I really enjoyed and now cannot find the site. Can someone help me find such a site?
I also use various other sites for movies, including Youtube, then I will search for the German subtitles online, download the subtitles and convert them into a text file, then import than into Lingq and follow along to the film using my 2 monitors with the film on one and the subtitles in Lingq on the other.