German Mini Stories

I did not review all the lessons yet, but I am making corrections every time I see the spelling errors. I have corrected some such errors with missing spaces.
It would be interesting to know the reason why the spaces disappeared.

Thanks for the corrections. I made notes today as I found examples of what I thought might be missing the spaces. Again, I don’t know the language well enough so I may have missed some or some of these may actually be correct. This is my list from stories 30 to 60 (‘OK’ means I didn’t see any problems.) Hopefully that helps, but it is a good exercise for me anyway!

story 30 schönwar, wachtsamstagsimmerfrüh, nichtfinden
story 31 to 45 are OK I think
story 46 siealles, ichalles,
story 47 Chefhat, Chefsie, Redengeben, einenneuen
story 48 aufonLenae, beionLenae,
story 49 Arbeitskollegenzurechtkomme (2 times),
story 50 OK
story 51 Suchenach
story 52 Windelnunserer
story 53 Carolaliebte, zukonkurrieren
story 54 OK
story 55 Hauskaufen
story 56 insAusland
story 57 spezielle spezielleFahrspurenfür (‘spezielle’ is there twice)
story 58 Nachhausewegfährt, SolcheLeutewarenalsdesignierteFahrerimmergefragt
story 59 istvielbesser, ArtBücher
story 60 OK

You’re right. But what is “onLenae” in Story 48?

My guess was ‘onLenae’ meant ‘online’. But I couldn’t find a translation for that either so I did wonder about that as well.

Online in German is just “online”. Or something like “im Internet”, “im Netz”.

I just started the German mini stories (on #2) and I already notice that the translations are bad.
Ich freue mich auf die Winterferien
is translated to:
I have some time off in the winter
but should be:
I am looking forward to the winter holidays
That’s just one example. Very unfortunate :frowning:

Yeah. There’a a bit of that littered through out I think. Interestingly, if you look at the dropdown translation (where it gives the full translation of the entire story) it does match correctly. It seems someone has entered bad translations in the “clips” (i.e. when you edit a lesson and go to the third tab) and those are taking precedence over even a google translate in sentence mode.