German Events

I notice there are currently no events for German on the site. If I create one, will there be a tutor available to speak to?

as tutor I cannot give you an offer but if you like to speak with me German, you can try to call me on skype : ikessler
Be patient sometime skype is green and I am not on the PC.


I am the new tutor for the German language at LingQ. If you are interested in talking to me you can do so. I will update my calendar so you will be able to see when I am available for conversations.

Is there any topic you are interested in? If so, just create a speaking event at any time that suits your and my calendar.

I will also create some speaking events that you can join, if you want to.

Please understand that I am relatively new to all this and therefore haven’t got all the routine that tutors for other languages might have regarding setting up events for students. I just have to get to know everything.

Hopefully, I will talk to you soon :slight_smile:



In order to sign up for a speaking event with Jan, click on the ‘Events’ tab. Once Jan has posted some events, you will be able to see them by clicking on ‘Available Events’. You can also click on Create an Event to see the times he has available in his calendar. You will then choose a day and time that is convenient for you and create your own event.

I do recommend that you watch the video demo for the Events section that can be found at:


Jill Soles

Hi Jan,
nice to have a tutor in the German part - have fun with that.
Perhaps we could have a talk together and bring that in the store?
I couldn’t find anyone for this because all my friends have no time or are to shy for this.


Hi, Irene, can I add to skype as well? Just to talk once in a month or so, I’m not yet ready for more, I think, but I also think I could start now…

Hi, Irene, can I add you to skype as well? Just to talk once in a month or so, I’m not yet ready for more, I think, but I also think I could start now…