German after 3 Months

For the past 3 months I have been using LingQ to learn German.
for the first month I used Duolingo just to start with the language since I had zero knowledge about German, but after one month I got really bored and I ditched Duolingo.
So my only language learning program is LingQ now.

But of course I also try to watch some TV shows, news and memes etc. outside lingq.
I don’t really obsess myself about daily streak but I do intent to use it daily, and some days I go way beyond my daily goal of “collecting coins”.

As of today I have 3299 known words, I usually try to ignore combined words and names, so that I can get a more accurate statistic about approximately how many words I know, and thats very motivating.

As I said 3 months ago I knew nothing about german now I really feel the progress while reading. I don’t study grammar unless if I get curious about something then I look it up on google or youtube. I am planning on studying grammar once I reach around 8,000 known words, by then it would be much easier, and I am guessing I would have already naturally acquired somethings about grammar.

I agree with all the things, about language learning that Steve Kaufmann talks about in his Videos. and I think this is really the best way to learn a language. I would say acquire but most people don’t agree with that word since they think language acquisition is only for kids.

I have learned Turkish by just watching TV when I was a kid and then reading and engaging with Turkish people on internet.

Then in my early Twenties I leanred English just through constant exposure to English Media and reading, I didn’t even have LingQ back then, just a basic foundation of studying English at school. A couple of years ago I took a Toefl ITP test and scored 633 out of 677. which corresponds to C1 level I guess.

so I know how powerfull this method is from my previous experiences.

When it comes to studying material, I try to study things that interest me. It could not be recommended by some but I don’t actually stick to easy stuff, if something is interesting and even beyond my level I would try to read it. The fun you have makes you not quit.