'Friends' page set up

Dare I ask for another arrangement? Would it be possible to see the Blogs tab when clicking on Friends instead of the Activities tab? The blogs are interesting, activities not so much.

I do realise it is not a priority and I can live with it being as it is…

SanneT, just because you find the blogs more interesting doesn’t mean that others necessarily do. What we can consider is trying to remember your last active tab.

As I wrote in another thread I look more seldom at the blogs as before. I’m an experienced user. I believe that new users will seldom (very seldom) take a look now.

I don’t know if I should continue to write my blog in the future.
Make It Sense To Write A Blog Any Longer? - Language Foru... (Make it sense to write a blog any longer?)

It’s a lot of work and I do this only to promote LingQ.

Another important consideration is what the newcomer finds interesting , and what is most like to stir newcomers to action. I think the Activities list gives an indication of what people are doing on the site.

I think Veras bog is very important for the news and old users!!
If it is to complicate to find , nobody will read it.:frowning:
There are a lot of good blogs from Lingqers!!!

But even if the Blog page were first on the Friends page, it is not obvious that Vera’s or anyone else’s blog would show up near the top.

I think the last active tab solution would be great if it could be done. Thank you!

I actually go through the whole list of “All blogs” because I like reading and that way I have come across some gems. Please keep writing.

Accidentally I find this thread (after one year). I’ve to admit that I miss the ‘old’ community page. OK, it was slow, but not too slow in my opinion. And it was great to have all the information on one page. Now I have to do so many clicks on the friends page to get the interesting information for me and to change the parameters that I don’t found myself doing this.

Hi Vera,

It would be great if you could put this (and any other ideas you may have) on getsatisfaction.com/lingq. This will help us to better recognize which features/changes are the most highly requested.