Hello there,
I have been trying to get back into LingQ for my Arabic learning. I basically only use the Import function in order to read articles I extracted from the Internet, just as I did with Spanish.
I have a big issue, namely, that most times, when I try importing Arabic articles into LingQ that have Arabic characters in the URL, I get this error message in LingQ Android:
“Ensure this field has no more than 500 characters”
and I try to do it on dekstop with the Chrome extension, I get the same error.
This is probably an issue due to ASCII encoding of the characters, which, given the length of the URL, must reach the 500 words boundary. Could this be fixed? This should impact all non-Latin scripts in LingQ, which is a real shame and makes the app unusable for learners like me. I am seriously considering unsubstribing over this issue.
I’ve been studying Arabic on here for 5 years and have never had this issue. When I clicked on your link it too wouldn’t work for me. However, if you click on the language option at the top of the webpage and change the language to English and then straight back to Arabic again it works fine. I know this is not ideal but it takes 2 seconds to do and is a work around whilst they are sorting the issue . Hope this helps. Jane
Hello, thanks for your reply! I do not quite understand this workaround, as changing the linguistic setting of the website to English and then back to Arabic takes the user back to the main page. When I clicked back on the original article from this main page, the same issue occured.
At the top of the Arabic article on France24 is the option to go from AR to English and then straight away just go back to the top of the page and click En and choose Arabic. The extension then imports it
If this is not working for you then, until they have found a fix, why not copy and paste the text straight into LingQ? It will only take a few seconds extra and will allow you to study the material you are interested in.