French Week 34 – Carry on Listening!

New blog post:

It has been a very long time since I updated my French adventure. I am about to roll into week 35 of this madcap plan to learn French in 100 weeks using LingQ as my main learning tool. I have divided the long journey into four 25 week blocks, each focusing on one of the four main skills, starting with reading, then listening, writing and finally speaking. Currently I am focused on listening, but have also begun to write for the first time.

What am I listening to?
Each day I add roughly 10 minutes of new content to my daily playlist and then run through the last 7 days of listening throughout the day. Currently my main sources are News In Slow French, Journal en français facile, and L’avis de Marie, and of course the LingQ Library. I use Audacity to slice up the 30 minute episode of News In Slow French into three bite size portions to import into LingQ.

What am I reading?
Most of my reading time is taken up by reading the transcripts of my new listening content. However if I have a moment, or I want to top up my reading, I am reading through the Harry Potter series in French. I have never read Harry Potter so it is all new to me! I am currently on book 2, Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets. I am very much enjoying this world of baguettes magiques and other such wonders. They should make a film out of it.

What am I writing?
As I move towards Week 50 I want to build a habit of writing French everyday, starting with very easy targets. So I have now reached approximately 40 words a day in a kind of journal. For the moment it is quite repetitive, but that is fine because it is just about creating the habit.