French course

I intend to organize a course for intermediate to advanced French learners in the early year 2009. Prior, I would like to know how many students could be interested. Indeed, I desire to vary exercises.
I will use new contents - conversations with my sister Christine, My daughter Anne and my friend Marianne, a tutor at LingQ - that will be probably released in January 2009.
I also mean to lead drills that need groups of people who will confront each other, not physically of course, but only verbally. There will be playful exercises. You will have to prepare some courses in advance at home, using your writing skills. Others will be discovered in due course, namely at the last minute.
You will also have one-on-one conversations or/and group discussions about imposed topics.
Eventually, I will answer questions you will put on “ask your tutor” forum as often as needed.



Me for one Serge!


I hope a lot of people respond to your post here, however,I think it will be difficult to get a good sense of who is interested until the course goes up.

We are going to be doing a fair amount of promotion and advertizing in 2009 so it is important that we show courses in all languages. It is great that you are putting up the course.

Note that courses are now only one month long, although you can describe them as Part 1 of 6 or whatever you wish. We will also make it easier for people to “drop in” on these sessions, as you will soon see.

You may also want to consider using the Lesson Forums for the individual lessons as a place to describe some of the drills and other ideas you have for your course. This might be a good way of attracting those people who choose your content, to come to your course.

We are all

Hi Serge,

I, too, am interested in the course. Put the course up now, even if doesn’t start until January. That way more people will see it and hopefully sign up.

Speaking for myself, I am not really that interested in doing a lot of preparation in advance for the discussions. I would prefer to just read and listen to the lesson and then show up ready to discuss.


I didn’t know that the courses are now only one month long. Where can I find the sum up of how to make and prepare courses?

Hi Cecile,

Here are some instructional videos I made.

Finding Lesson Numbers - Find Lessons - YouTube
Creating a Course - Create-Course - YouTube

If I understand well, I have to choose only 4 contents and do each each during 4 weeks one conversation and one writing conversation?
The content can provide from me or from someone else, that’s right?


Yes you choose four items from the Library, one for each weak. You then create subjects for writing and for discussion for each weak. You can, of course, also assign or encourage the study of other content, including content from elsewhere, in addition.

You can also call one month part 1 of a longer series if you wish to offer a longer course. However, the basic unit is one month of four weeks.

Hi Steeve and Mark

Ok, I will try!!
