Free access for Ukrainians

@gilburt.a.m @dashnaky You are Premium users now.

Hi, I’m Ukrainian. Is it still possible to have free access for Ukrainian? What I need to do to get It? I will be very grateful for your help!))

@ksenkandrew You are Premium user now.

I am a Ukrainian refugee. Now I’m learning English intensively. Сan I get premium access? Красно дякую!

@openyourmind You are Premium user now.

thank you very much for your help in learning the language! :partying_face:

Hi Zoran, do you still provide Premium access to Ukrainian people? Thank you.

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Hi Zoran, im Ukrainian refugee from Germany. If it’s possible I would be happy to have premium account as well.

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Hi Zoran, it seems like my access might have expired :pensive:, would it be possible to extend it? :slight_smile:

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Hi, Zoran,

I’m from Ukraine,

I want to improve my learning English, can I get premium access?

Thank you in addition

Hi, Zoran,

I’m from Ukraine,

I want to improve my learning English, can I get premium access?

Thank you in addition

I am from Ukraine
living in Denmark in Copenhagen as a refugee
I need to learn Danish and improve my English.
My friend recommended me Lingq.
Can I get a premium account please?
Thank you

Hi, dear LingQ. I’m from Ukraine. Now in Germany. Is it possibile to learn Deutsch with your help? I will be so grateful

Hi @muhomormuhomorov Please reach us at, send us proof that you are Ukrainian and we’ll give you Premium access. Thanks.

Hi @ReginaRegina, upgraded your account, you are premium. Thanks

Dear all.

I’m from Ukraine,

I want to improve my learning English, can I get premium access?

Thank you in addition

Hi @ivanandruko Please reach us at, send us proof that you are Ukrainian and we’ll give you Premium access. Thanks.

Hi @LingQlearner , i have sent email at , but I dont have accepting any response till now

Hi @ivanandruko Would it possible to send your email once again to and put into CC, as guys just checked email box and couldn’t find your initial email. Thanks for understanding.

Hello! I’m from Ukraine. I’ve already used a coupon for free premium access. Is it possible to extend my premium access for the next 6 months? Thanks!

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