Flashcards sound?

Hi, I’m new to lingQ and today suddenly I noticed that when I click on the little speaker next to the word on my flashcards, no sound comes out. The sound works fine on the lessons and everything else, but I like to make sure I’m pronouncing the words right when I go over my flashcards by repeating after clicking the sound button. Is this just a temporary fluke with the system, or is there something that I need to do with my computer to fix it?

Hi Anna,

What browser are you using (i.e. Firefox, Chrome, etc.)? Also, do you notice this issue for every flashcard that you view or just select ones?

Hi there,
I am having the same problem as Anna. In mi case, the sound stopped working when I was in the middle of the flashcards. I mean, let’s say I have 100 words or phrases, then when I was studying the number 50 the sound stopped, and after that, none of the following words or phrases have sound. I use Firefox and Chrome, but I didn’t have this problem before with any lesson. I am studying “#301 Steve and Alex - Multilingualism (Part 1)”
Thank you for your help!

@kadhafi - I’m not quite sure why this happened. Was it only once, or does this happen every time you go through a longer list of flashcards?

I was dealing with the same problem with Internet exlrorer browser. With firefox it is working without any problems

AnnaS, I had this problem months ago with Internet Explorer. Switching to Chrome fixed it. So far it is still working fine.

i am having these problem on flashcards and dictation. With firefox/ubuntu