Flashcards - reverse "primary" language?

Does anyone know if it’s possible to change the language the flashcards are viewed in - I’m learning Swedish and at the moment all my cards are Swedish flipping to English. I’d like to have them in English, flipping to Swedish, which would aid in language production more than the current setup, which aids language understanding only.
I’ve looked through the “help” section and the flashcards section in the forum but haven’t seen anything - a point in the right direction would be appreciated!

Tack så mycket!


actually, that was silly, just figured out what the “reverse” button does. 'Doh!

Glad you figured it out :slight_smile:
If you’ve got any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Well. The same question with reviewing flashcards using the LingQ Android application. The button doesn’t seem to be there)

If you go to the Settings section in the app, you can change what appears on the front and back of the card. Simply switch these around to “reverse” your flashcards.