Flashcard problems

I have had a problem with the flashcards since the end of December 2011. When I go the the tab #5 - Review Your Vocabulary section, the flashcards then begin loading. Up comes a flashcard with two audio icons, which do not work- that is all that seems to appear. So I have been going to the My Lingq’s box, and click on Cards. The flashcards then appear. However, they do not work properly. When I click on status 3 box, sometimes nothing happens, so I then click on the status 2 box, and it will work, which enables me to move on to the next word at least. I am using Chrome version 16.0.912.77m. Also, using Windows 7 home premium. I have clicked on the refresh button and that does not seem to help. Also, cleaned the cache on my computer (as best I could) and that did not help.

When I use IE, in the past i have had a similar problem. I tried IE today, and when I clicked on tab #5-Review Your Vocabulary, the page would not even come up. Although when I go to My Lingq’s box, and click on cards, I have the same issues I have in Chrome (described above).

Thanks for the heads up about this! It appears the flashcards in Tutorial View aren’t working properly – we’ll be sure to get these fixed. In the meantime, I recommend switching back to “Standard View” if you already have a good feel for how to use the site. Tutorial View is designed to give a step by step overview, but Standard View will likely be more convenient for actually studying lessons.

I have switched to Standard View and am having the same problem. With Chrome, when in Standard View, I go to the right side of the page, where it says My LingQ’s, and I click on where it says Cards. When the card comes up, there isa word, but there is no number counter that tells me what word I am on, like 1/25 or so, there is an icon for sound, which works, but when i go to the status bar, and click on number 3, nothing happens, but if i click on status 2, it will move to the next word. Sometimes status 3 will work, sometimes not. I went to IE, and the flashcards come up, there is a number counter in the corner. reads 1/28, however, i have the same problem with the status bar number 3, does not work properly. I am studying chinese by the way.

Can you take a screenshot of this and email it to us? (support -at- lingq.com) I might know what’s going on, but a screenshot would help clarify what the issue is.

By the way, flashcards should now be working properly in Tutorial View. Sorry about that!

The flashcards seem to be working now in Tutorial View, except I still have the same problem with the status bar. The status number 3 is tinted yellow, and when pressed won’t forward to the next word. so i need to press one of the other numbers, like 2 or 1 for it to move. Sometimes the yellow tint will then move to number 1 or 2 after i have pressed those numbers, at that point status number 3 will work, maybe once. Then it gets stuck again, and won’t forward to the next flashcard, so i need to press 1 or 2 again…

I did send an email to support and sent a a screen shot yesterday. thanks.

Ah, I see. This actually is working properly. Changing the status will remove the card from the session, so you’re not currently able to remove a card by selecting the same status. Don’t worry about moving words to status 4 – they’ll still be sent back at you in your SRS deck even after moving the word to “Known”.

To move to the next card, you can either press the right arrow key or you can click the right arrow in the top right.

Cool! I did not know to use the arrow keys…i kept clicking on the status bar numbers! Thanks for your help!!