Flashcard Engine Failing

The flashcard engine seems to be failing. When I flip the card, the flip side doesn’t have the usual buttons. I’ll send a screen snip via email.

Same here.

I am also having problems with all parts of the flash card engine.

@all - Would one of you be able to reproduce this issue then check the error console to see if there are any issues? Here are instructions on how to do this: Using The Browser Error Console - Garden Gnome

Please send any screenshots over to support (at) lingq.com, thanks!

I just sent a cut-n-paste of what I think you are requesting.

@edthird - Thanks, I’ve passed this along to our development team who will be sure to get to the bottom of this. We’ll let you know if we need any additional information!

@all - Have any of you tried clearing your cache to see if that helps? We’re having trouble reproducing this on our end and wonder whether it might be a caching issue.

How do you do that then (sorry first day lingqing)

@peasouper - Here are instructions on how to clear your cache - 9 Ways to Clear Your Browser Cache: Chrome, Safari, & More

Let us know if this helps!

@all - Have any of you tried clearing your cache to see if that helps? We’re having trouble reproducing this on our end and wonder whether it might be a caching issue.

Did not work for me.

Worked for me thanks

I cleared the cache but the flashcard engine still doesn’t work.

Clearing the cache seems to have worked. Thanks.

Not worked for me…

Not working on IE10, Chrome or Firefox.
Get “jQuery not defined” in IE10 debugger and Firebug.
also get “flip is undefined for this object” in static/multiple_choice/multiple_choice.js line 610. I assume flip is a function in jQueryUI
Also getting multiple “argument is not an Object”.

I have cleared the cache…

UPDATE: Looked more closely at the code and where jQuery is missing is in the call to optimizelyCode() in 146083238.js. My guess is it is a conflict between optimizely’s reference to jQuery and your link to the jQuery CDN (it appears to be an older CDN and I am no expert on debugging such problems)

@timrfrench61 - Ah, good catch. Thanks!

@all - We just pushed a small fix that should hopefully fix the flashcard issue. Would you be able to try again to see if it’s working now?

Works for me, as it has since I cleared the cache.

I cleared the cache and it does not work for me on chrome , firefox or explorer!

problem appears to be in multiple_choice.js on or around line 609 jQuery.support.opacity. opacity is False in IE8 so it falls through to the else code at 626 and works in IE8. IE9 and 10 and firefox and chrome do not work for me ( do not run the IE tab plugin in chrome).
the error is self.flip.element.flip() and it says that flip does not exist. I don’t see a place where flip() would be defined as multiple_choice.flip.set_element() just saves a ref to the div and doesn’t do any object initialization.

@all - OK, another update was just pushed so please try this again and let us know if it’s working for you.