Flash card not playing sound

Hi I have notice that the sound is not playing in my flashcards some of the time. every other card is playing the sound. Please can you fix it. Thank you

Hi sgarner2,
I am sorry to hear that text-to-speech doesn’t work normally for you. Does it only happen with LingQs created from phrases? Does it work fine when LingQ is one single term? Please let us know. Thanks!

There is no sound when I click on the words in google translation, when I am working with my texts on Ling.Q It was also a problem yesterday. I really hope you can solve the problem, I miss this function

I am having same problem, no sound when in Vocab Multiple Choice Cards. Checked Flash Cards and they appear to working fine. Also no audio when I hit speaker button in “Examples from My Lessons / All Lessons”…

Some time it works as lingQ singles. I

Yes, the same problem: every second word without sound by Flashcards or Multiple Choice Cards.

Sorry everyone,
We are working on it and it should be fixed soon. Thanks for your patience!

I’m having the same problem, but just when playing a normal lesson lingq. Its not every single lingq but every other one.

Examples from My Lessons / All Lessons will not play audio, however when I go above that and click on speaker icon for single word it works fine. Also I am still not getting audio on every multiple choice flash card…

JUst did 24 Multiple Chocie cards from SRS for 21 Dec 2015 and only six (6) had audio.

Hi sgarner2 and everyone,

Google is blocking the TTS service again. We are working toward a permanent solution. Thanks for your patience, I will keep you updated.

@Bstodnick, this is related to the TTS issue. We’re working on a solution now.