First experience in LingQ

we are Cristian and Francesca we want improve the english. We study english for 2 objective: for know new friends and communicate when we travel and for pass TOEIC exam! This exam it’s very difficult for us, because we make a score about 500 points but we need 600 points, we hope that Lingq is usefull…have you advice?!
Have anybody make this exam?

We attend your advice …thank you
Francesca e Cristian

One of our learners, a Japanese housewife, spent one year at LingQ, mostly listening an hour or two a day while doing housework. She improved her TOEIC score by 200 points.

If you listen daily, read, create LingQs and review them regularly, your TOEIC score will improve significantly. You may also want to search for TOEIC word lists or TOEFL word lists in google, and import them into LingQ. Then save the words you need, and you will see them highlighted in yellow in all of the lessons you study at LingQ.

Francesca and Cristian. You will make it! Just have fun here at Lingq, keep listening, reading and have a good time, you won’t notice at first but your vocabulary and knowledge of the language willl improve to a point where you won’t believe how words are flowing out your mouth (or keyboard). You will go: Whoah! I don’t have to stop in search for words anymore… they just flow… That’s what happened to me!

Good luck!

thank you for your answer. I think Is fundamental make exercise everyday, Steve I agree with you everyday 1 or 2hours for me it’s simple, because my firt work is a teacher in primary school and in this moment I begin the summer holiday, I have a lot of time. Cristian he work every day and he go to university it’s very difficult have a time, but in this week he have used LingQ almost every night :slight_smile: In my opinion LingQ it’s very fun and I love know new people, in my language I can define “chiaccherona” that is a person that love speak a lot.
Thank you for the advice about the word list TOEIC, I looking for today.
