Finnish language

Hey there,

I just wanted to ask if there was any chance to see finnish lessons in the future. This system is quite practical and I’d like to use it for my finnish learning as well.
I’m starting here with russian, by the way :slight_smile:

Hello Egga!

Well, you can use one slot which is previously reserved to other language to learn Finnish (for example, if you don’t want to learn Korean, you can use the Korean slot to put in there texts and audios in Finnish). Making it, you can get your own database. You will be able to create your LingQs, see your progress at all. Some LingQers have been learning in this way. It can be worthwhile, in my opinion.

And I want warning you about the poll promoted by LingQ at Facebook. Monthly they have been added the language which the voters chosen through the month. You can find the poll at the LingQ page in Facebook.

I think that Finnish is fairly popular and it’s likely that it will be added within the next 6 months or so. Worst case scenario, before the end of 2012. Ancient Greek, Hindi, Turkish and Hungarian are likely to come before it though. I can’t see the Facebook page as I don’t have an account. Anyone able to tell me which languages have been popular on the polls lately?

This is the link where you can vote:

Right now, Hindi and Esperanto are leading (with a difference of less than 10 votes - why don’t you add both? :p). Turkish comes third, then Modern Greek, Farsi, Finnish, Cantonese, Hebrew, Ancient Greek and Hungarian.

So, Finnish has good chances to be added next year.

Sounds good there Mikebond. Some very good languages to add to the site. My favourite of those choices would be (Modern) Hebrew. Also, Farsi is language I’ve always wanted to learn. Hell…I’d learn all of those. hahaha

As a euro-polyglot, I’m quite satisfied too. Although there are quite a few (euphemism for “too many”, haha) non-European languages in the top positions, about ten European languages may be added within 2012.
Is Modern Hebrew different from Ancient Hebrew? I thought they resumed the same language (of course with many neologisms).

Well, from what I understand, it’s the verbal system which changed most. Older forms of Hebrew have an aspect system without tenses and modern Hebrew has a tense based system. There are some grammatical items which aren’t found in Biblical Hebrew, but might be found in the Hebrew of the middle ages, for example, which have been retained in the modern language, perhaps just as literary, formal usage or sometimes have taken over as the most common spoken form.

From the many Israeli’s I’ve spoken to, who haven’t done an in-depth study of the older forms, they say it is understandable but sounds archaic. Like an English speaker with Shakespeare. Surely there are parallels you could find in Italian.

But hey, non-European languages are awesome. When you finish learning all f them, try one out. I guarantee you that you’ll enjoy it deeply. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the info. I think it would be like Medieval or Renaissance Italian.

Sure, once I’m done with European languages, I will learn some non-European ones. Maybe Hebrew or Arabic or Japanese… :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot for the very quick answers. I just voted. :slight_smile:
I’ll try to use a slot to make my own database while waiting. I didn’t know it was possible, but that’s great !

Good to hear, Mikebond. hehe

I am happy that Finnish is getting close!

One question. I don’t really see how to use (let’s say korean) korean slot to study finnish.
I imported an article in finnish, but I can’t set the right dictionary and have to edit every single word.
Do you have any advices ?

No advice, that’s exactly what you have to do if you want to use a language slot for a different language. :slight_smile:

Alright, thank you :slight_smile:

The Nordic languages are becoming quite well represented here on lingQ. Swedish, Norwegian, and know the talks of Finnish too. very exciting. makes me wonder what’ll come next. Icelandic?,maybe.

I find Finnish do be so soothing to listen. I love Finnish and its contribution to the Swedish language with cute words like “pojke”, And i love Finlandssvenska(Finnish Swedish) is the best of the Swedish dialects. :slight_smile: