Finding interesting Turkish content

I’m having issues importing Turkish content from YouTube and other sources as well as interesting content, particularly history.

Any suggestions? Links? Websites?

Depends a bit on your level and your interests. If you’re interested in science and tech there are actually already loads of YouTube videos in LingQ.

Barış Özgen is good, though he can speak quite fast and the language/ turns of phrases he uses aren’t always beginner friendly. He’s particularly good if you’re interested in science or space - many of his videos are already on LingQ.

Engin Deniz talks about a range of things from ancient history, to nature etc. He speaks at a more even speed and uses more manageable language, so I enjoyed him as a beginner.

Harp Tarihi is good if you’re into the history of wars in the Middle East, specifically in Turkey (or the location which would later become Turkey). Nice even voice and pace, and he generates his own subtitles too so that makes it easier to import to LingQ. (I hate YouTube subtitles and for the others in this list always convert the video to an MP3 and then use the Whisper function in LingQ to import the audio and generate text. Since Harp Tarihi writes his own subtitles with punctuation and all, I can miss this step).

The absolute best channel though, in my opinion, is TRT Belgesel. It’s a series of documentaries on just about anything you might be interested in. Loads of history videos, from ancient to recent, as well as other interesting content, such as nature, science, technology, culture etc…

My husband is from Turkey (I’m Scottish), so he gives me names of channels he thinks I’ll find interesting. Others he has suggested (though I can’t tell you what their content is like or how good they are as I’m yet to try them out) are:

Sümeyra Çenet Videoları
Denizin Ötesindeki Sesler
Bilgi Otağı
Evrim Ağacı
Ruhi Çenet Medya
Herşey Dahil
Diamond Tema
Kronik Tarih
Kaan Ünsal Alphan
Prof. Dr. Özgür Demirtaş

Let me know how you get on!

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This is brilliant- thank you so much for this treasure trove of suggestions, I will be sure to check them all out. I greatly appreciate the time you spent putting it together.

Çok sağ ol!

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